Our Licenses
Licensing Limitations
Regular LicenseUnlimited PrintProducts for Resale |
Number of end products
(e.g. web usage, social media, printed or electronic documents) Unlimited
Unlimited |
Geolocation and License Duration
Unlimited |
Copies of downloaded or physical products
(e.g. apps, posters, books) 500,000 copies
Unlimited copies
Unlimited copies |
Use in a free end product
(more than one end user allowed) YES
Use in an end product that`s sold
(e.g. merchandise products for retail, book and magazine covers) NO
On-demand products/services
(e.g. "made to order" or "create your own" apps and sites) One license per each customized end product
Use in stock items/templates
(e.g. sale of web templates, print on demand services) NO
Right to Edit Photo
© Credit / Copyright Attribution
If the image is used for editorial purposes, but not for commercial purposes. When used, you must include the author`s name, Liceny, followed by a link to our website: " © liceny.com", as you see on the table below:
CaptionLocation |
Liceny © liceny.com Near the photo or in the imprint
This is NOT Allowed with a Liceny License
- Use of any work with pornographic, defamatory, or otherwise unlawful or immoral content or in such a manner that it infringes upon any third party‘s trademark or intellectual property.
- Use of any work in a way that places any person depicted in the image in a bad light or in a way that they may find offensive.
- Resell, redistribute or transfer any work except as agreed to through acceptance of Liceny terms and conditions.
- Use of any work (in whole or in part) as trademark, service mark, logo or other indication of origin.
- Provide a final product that allows the image to be extracted as a stand alone, unmodified file bigger than 1000px on one side.
Still having any question?
Here you can read the full License Agreement or if you prefer you can Contact Us.